
New administrator appointed for Grand Forks

Mona Mattei
By Mona Mattei
November 5th, 2009

The City of Grand Forks has a new chief administrative officer, but Lynne Burch is no stranger to city hall. City Council announced their new CAO at their meeting on Monday, Nov. 2 along with promotions for Dianne Heinrich to corporate clerk and Cecile Arnott to assistant CAO as well as continuing as chief financial officer.

Burch has worked with the city in various positions for over 22 years, most recently as city clerk. Burch has been a resident of Grand Forks for 29 years, so she feels connected to the community and aware of the issues facing the council.

“I’m looking forward to the new challenge. I’ve got a terrific management team and I’m looking forward to working with this fine group of professionals,” said Burch.

Having worked for several different administrators, Burch felt the time was right for her to move into the lead position.

“I have more experience at this stage,” she said. “In the past it just wasn’t the right time for me. I’ve worked for some excellent individuals, the latest being Victor Kumar, and I think I’m ready and willing to take on this challenge.”

Current CAO, Victor Kumar, resigned his position last month when he accepted a position with the City of Rossland. Mayor Brian Taylor explained that the council’s first search for a replacement for Kumar was internally. Burch was the best candidate who was interested in taking on the role.

“I have a lot of faith in Lynne’s ability to do this job,” said Taylor. “She’s the most experienced person, and she’s been through a lot of different administrators. She’s the one who (in the past) basically orients the new administrator, so she’s had tremendous experience in this job. I have no doubts that she will do an excellent job.”

Categories: Politics